Saturday, May 19, 2012

Seattle, WA

For our last day in Seattle, we began the day by taking our first Duck Boat ride ever. Duck boats were originally made during World War II for transporting goods and troops over land and water and for use approaching and crossing beaches in amphibious attacks. Now they are used to transport tourists around, in this case, Seattle, where we toured around the downtown area then went out onto Lake Union where we saw, among other things, the Naval Shipyard where the USS Kitty Hawk is being restored before bringing it to NC and the house that was used in the movie "Sleepless In Seattle" (just to the left of the pink house on the water).

After we got back, we had to walk a few blocks from the hotel to get a picture of the third most photographed object in Seattle, the Pink Elephant Car Wash sign. Now you've seen it, too.

Then it was back to the hotel to prepare for the reunion banquet for our last night at the reunion.

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