Monday, August 4, 2008

Mt Airy, NC

After getting settled in and getting the chores done (even us happy wanderers have to do laundry once in a while), we decided to visit the North Carolina Granite Quarry - the largest open face granite quarry in the world. And this thing is downright BIG - over 90 acres in size! Geologists say there is enough granite here to last over 500 years. Granite from this quarry has been used to make the Wright Brothers Monument in Kitty Hawk, paving and curbing for the new WW-II Memorial in Washington, DC, and many other well-known buildings and monuments. I'm sure there are a few kitchen counters out there, too.

Next, we explored some of the many Andy Griffith locations in Mt Airy including his childhood home (now a B&B), the Andy Griffith Playhouse and Memorabilia Museum and, of course, the famous bronze statue of Andy and Opie goin' fishin'. We even saw Barney's squad car giving tourists a ride around town. Shazaam...

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