Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lexington, Kentucky

After a 340+ mile drive through mountainous West Virginia, we arrived at the Kentucky Horse Park Campground in Lexington, KY. What a neat place! On Monday morning, after a heavy rain, we toured the Kentucky Horse Park itself. First, we watched the Parade of Breeds, which included seven different breeds of horses including a Quarter horse, an Arabian, an Andalusian and a Morgan. Then we toured the grounds and saw a variety of carriages and tack. Last, but not least, we gawked at their museum which has some of the many trophies won by Calumet Farms including multiple trophies from the Triple Crown races. That's a lot of silver!! Outside, there were life-sized statues commemorating famous champions of the past including Secretariat and Man O War.

After lunch, we headed out to the Keeneland horse track where we met up with our old friend, Sterling duVall, who has worked there for many years. He gave us a very interesting tour of the beautiful stadium and track, the auction barn, the surrounding grounds and capped it off with a stop at the Keeneland Library where the history of horse racing is kept. I was surprised that it only costs $3.00 to enter the track and watch the races. Of course, the betting costs a little more...

Back to the RV for a night's rest, then we're off to St Louis, MO.

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